Best Weight Loss Tips For Corporate Employees Stuck In A 9–5 Loop

Elma Davis
6 min readMar 15, 2024


It happened again today. He was up until 3:45 am scrolling through pointless videos on Instagram again. He slept through the alarms again. Moreover, he missed the commute bus again. He is late for work again and he skips his morning meal, yet again. It is a regular practice now.

He thinks his being up until late habit, is only bad because he reaches the workplace late. Little does he know he is putting himself in a grave situation by not having a suitable sleep cycle. Moreover, omitting breakfast daily is also a very unhealthy practice for his gut.

We might not be able to help him understand how he is hurting his future self with these habits. However, we want to help you stay hale and hearty. Hence, here are the five tips that we have for you to lose weight amid the tight routine, that you are living.

Five Quick Methods Of Losing Weight And Staying Fit

Jobs that require you to work 8 hours, a day are not easy on the mental and physical health. For example, an employee working for a professional CV writing service UK knows how chaotic the routine is.

It seems unmanageable to stay fit while doing the job alongside but it certainly is not. Just a little dedication to take the first step and the latter will follow. On the other hand, before commencing you must remember that you can do anything that you put your mind to. Therefore, make sure, that once you start there is no looking back, regardless of the hurdles.

Besides the consistency, you must also make up your mind that you are not doing this to prove it to someone. This effort of working on yourself… is only for ‘yourself’. It should make you happy rather than stressing you out. Are you prepared to give your best shot?

Ready, Steady, Go!

1. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent means occurring at irregular intervals. In intermittent fasting, there are three types: alternate day, 5:2, and 16/8 method. Each method has a different hourly interval between eating windows. Hence, choose for yourself the most suitable one.

It is a scientifically proven way and works wonders for obese people who are not able to exercise. The alternate day requires you to stay hungry every other day, while you can eat a balanced diet on the eating days. Secondly, for 5:2 you fast for 2 days and take a break for 5 days. The last technique is when you fast for 16 hours and then eat for 8 hours only.

2. Count Your Calories

Calories are the fuel of your body so it matters, how many of them you consume in a day and how many would you burn. To lose some inches, you have to consider limiting your caloric intake or increasing your physical activity. A 9–5 employee must use this method and learn to manage the daily calories.

You can begin with eating low-calorie food instead of high ones like black coffee for a latte and popcorn for fries. Moreover, instead of drinking fruits eat them. Do not blend them and make smoothies, rather chew them and let your body absorb all the naturally occurring fibres. You could use a calorie counter and maintain a 500-calorie deficit from your usual diet.

3. Divide Your Plate

The plate method is the easiest one so far. You take a plate and imagine three or four portions in it. The ultimate way to keep in shape for those who are unaware of their binge eating is to follow this method. The portions you create are half the plate for raw fruits and vegetables for fibre consumption. Then one-fourth part for the protein and the rest one-fourth for wholegrains — carbs.

Good protein sources would be seed butter, dairy, fish, nuts, lentils and beans. They help grow muscle and not fat. In addition, it keeps you full. Then for healthy carbohydrates, you can take brown rice, quinoa, sweet potato and corn. This way you can manage mindful eating along with your hectic job schedules.

4. Proper Rest

Apart from following the aforementioned three eating patterns, having proper resting intervals is necessary too. Just like your external body organs, the internal ones also feel the fatigue. Constantly used muscles for digesting and brainstorming deserve some rest as well.

Hence the seven-hour sleeping window. You must not eat anything 2 hours before bed so that your stomach is done with digesting food and your brain can relax. Additionally, the bedtime should be around 10 to 11 at night, so that you wake up fresh and active for your job at 8 am. This also leaves you with ample time to prepare and eat your breakfast.

5. Managing Stress

Similar to adequate sleep, managing stress levels is the greatest gift you can bestow upon yourself. Your future self will thank you. The pressure of switching a job can also take a toll on your mind. It is better to acquire CV editing services so you can get an updated vitae. No amount of money is bigger than your fitness.

So think wisely and take the necessary measures to deal with stress. Such as brisk walks, breathing exercises, meditation or probably yoga. However, these are not the only solutions. If you feel lighter by doodling, do it. If playing video games or boxing makes you forget your stress, you should do it. Do not shy away. Anything that makes you less strained is the escape you need because stress is a silent killer. You do not want to keep it inside you. It has the potential to cause heart disease, blood pressure issues, nervous breakdown etc.

· What are the food options that help burn belly fat?

Foods like fruits and vegetables with soluble fibres are good for you. Moreover, your daily diet should include protein, probiotics, and some fats. For that, you must consume fish and eggs, yoghurt, and green tea.

· How to lose weight fast and permanently?

To do so, you must make a goal of 150 minutes of weekly activity. Experts recommend brisk walking for half an hour daily. In addition, avoid all sugary and processed/canned foods.

· What is a realistic amount of pounds to lose in a month?

The realistic weight to lose in a month is four to eight pounds. That makes an ideal of one to two pounds a week. This is a very manageable and attainable goal. Keep in mind that patience pays off in the end.

· How much weight loss is noticeable?

If you want to earn compliments, you need to drop at least five to ten per cent of your total body weight. For instance, if you are 200 pounds, then you should lose about 10–20 pounds.

Wrapping It Up!

So far, you have seen how small unhealthy habits can insanely affect our mental and physical well-being. Now let us wrap it up for you.

First, you must find ways to get rid of accumulated stress throughout the day. You might want to play, nap, watch something or exercise for that. The second most important tip to stay fit is an adequate amount of rest every single day. Along with that, make the habit of never missing your morning meal.

The human system has a million functions to carry out. It is essential to fuel it up substantially. On the other hand, you may choose one from the fasting, calorie or plate method. Then religiously follow it in your life and you shall see the result in less than a month.

Now prepare yourself and get going… you have wasted a lot of time delaying your fitness already. No more fooling around. You can do it and you will do it. Have faith in yourself!



Elma Davis

Freelance writer, Digital Creator, Career Expert. Changing human perception through the power of words.