How To Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” In An Interview

Elma Davis
5 min readApr 8, 2024


Almost every interview starts with the same question; “Tell me about yourself.”

We do agree that this question sounds easier on paper as compared to being asked during an interview. After all, we do love to talk about ourselves all the time.

However, when we are asked to introduce ourselves by the hiring managers, it is more of an open-ended question.

Where to start from? Should you start with your background? Should you go through whatever you have discussed on your resume? Or should you introduce yourself more as a person you are outside of work than a professional?

Unsure and worried about how to answer this question?

Worry not! You are not at all the only one who feels such a way. In reality, there are countless people who struggle with this question.

Here is a piece of good news for you, though; there is a pretty easy way to answer this dreadful interview question. Do you wish to learn how?

Well, then read this blog. Below, we have discussed some jaw-dropping ways to answer this question.

So, let us begin!

4 Simple Steps To Master The Answer Of “Tell Me About Yourself”

#1 — Keep It Professional And Brief

First of all, you need to have a brilliantly written CV to attract the eyes of your potential hiring manager. If you are unsure of how to write a mind-blowing CV, then feel free to seek help from any trustworthy CV writing service in London like CV Writings.

Now, that you have secured an interview with the hiring manager, you need to make sure that none of your answers exceed more than 1 to 2 minutes at most. This is simply because the hiring manager is not at all interested in knowing your entire life history.

They are least bothered to know which kindergarten you attended, how you felt during your first internship, etc. Thus, the key is to stick to your main selling points that are appropriate for the job. Quick Tip? If you notice your interviewer getting distracted, then take it as your cue to wrap up your answer.

#2 — Practice, But Don’t Memorize

It is quite normal to expect a “Tell me about yourself” question in just about each and every interview you attend. So, all you need to do is practice giving the best answer to this question. It never hurts anyone to grab a friend to do a speedy mock-up interview.

However, there is one thing that you should bear in mind — you must not memorise your answers at all. We do agree that it feels like the safer option, but if you forget something during your interview, you will end up messing with an otherwise perfect answer.

Rather, you should be able to come up with a general idea of what you are going to talk about, memorise the structure, and just wing the rest of your interview.

#3 — Know Your Audience

Or know your interviewer. It is vital to bear in mind who you will be giving your interview to. Will it be the business manager? The HR? The hiring manager? The CMO? CTO? CEO?

You might be wondering, why knowing your interviewer is necessary, right? Well, here is the thing, each one of these professionals will expect a different answer from you.

For instance, you are a content writer, and you are being interviewed by the hiring manager. If you start talking about how much you love typing writing and researching articles online, you have practically lost them.

See, the hiring manager does not know a thing about researching, typing, etc. Thus, they would expect a bit more generic answer from your end. They would want to know your career aspirations and the reasons why you applied to the company.

On the contrary, if you are being interviewed by the business manager or the CTO, then you can geek out as much as you wish to.

#4 — Remember W.A.P. (Work, Academic, Personal)

Do not forget that apart from your CV, there is one thing more that can make you land your dream job. Yes, we are talking about the personal statements. So, if you are clueless as to how to write one, you can always hire an expert personal statement writer from any reputable firm.

Now, after securing an interview at your dream job, we want you to know that there are three magic ingredients that make up a perfect answer to “Tell me about yourself”. Let us look at them one by one briefly:

1. Work — This portion must be about 80 per cent of your entire answer. Pay attention to your past accomplishments and experience over here

2. Academic — About 10 to 15 per cent of your answer must be about your academic experience (academic achievements, university, and much more)

3. Personal — The remaining 5 to 10 per cent of your answers must be about you as a person — try to keep your answer relevant to the position you are applying to

You must keep in mind that this W.A.P. rule is not at all set in stone. So, for instance, if you are a student, then your entire answer can revolve around your personal interests and academic career.

What is the ideal answer to the interview question; “Tell me about yourself”?

The perfect way to answer the dreadful interview question; “Tell me about yourself” is with a brief highlight summary of your education, your experience, and the value you would bring to a company. Moreover, feel free to shed light on the reason you are looking forward to learning more about the position and the opportunity to work with them.

How can I introduce myself in an interview?

To introduce yourself formally, you have to maintain a professional structure and tone. Start with a polite greeting, and tell the hiring your name along with the relevant position. Moreover, do not forget to offer a brief overview of your expertise and background.

How should I answer and explain myself in an interview?

It would be best if you told your hiring manager about how much of a hard-working individual you are who is not at all afraid to face day-to-day challenges. Keep your introduction aligned with the requirements of the job role you have applied to.

How do I tell more about myself in an interview?

There are a lot of different ways to tackle this daunting interview question, such as:

1. Relate your answer to the job role you have applied to

2. Keep your answer short

3. Practice your responses

4. Go step by step

5. Answer with the company in mind

6. Don’t regurgitate your resume

7. Don’t focus on unrelated jobs and a lot more

Summing It All Up!

And that is it! This is how you can perfectly answer this daunting interview question like a pro that you are. By following the tips that we mentioned above we assure you that you will answer the question confidently and in the best way possible. So, are you ready to leave your interviewers jumping off the walls? If you are nodding your head then get out there and practice as much as you can to ace your interview in no time.



Elma Davis

Freelance writer, Digital Creator, Career Expert. Changing human perception through the power of words.